Anagrams worksheets


Anagrams worksheets

Anagrams worksheets

Have lots of fun solving all the 4-letter and 5-letter anagrams worksheets. Clues are provided to help you find each word.

How does it work?

On each of the anagrams woorksheets there are 10 anagrams to be solved. Each has a clue to help you figure it out. Rearrange the 4 or 5 letters to form the correct word. Once the anagram is solved, find the hidden mystery word or phrase buried in the answers. Do this by inspecting the letters from the solutions. The mystery word or phrase is hidden. It could be all the first letters, all the last letters, each alternative letter, etc.

Solutions provided

An answers sheet reveals all the solved anagrams along with the locations of all the hidden mystery words.

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