Learn to tell the time worksheets


Learn to tell the time worksheets

Learn to tell the time worksheets

Learn how to tell analogue time with this extremely exhaustive series of learn to tell the time worksheets featuring the unique Bounce Learning Kids Learn To Tell The Time clock face design (see below).


There are 5 different series of worksheets to choose from:

Series Worksheets Contents of worksheets
1 14 Various times are depicted on the clock faces with the time indicated written below.
2 17 A time is indicated and you have to select which clock face displays that time.
3 18 Various clock faces are displayed each with a different time written in words below. Draw the hands onto the clock so that it corresponds with the written time.
4 24 Several clock faces are depicted displaying certain times. Write down the time shown on the clock face in the corresponding space.
5 16 Several clock faces are depicted displaying certain times. Answer questions about what time it would be a specific number of minutes or hours into the past or future.

Bounce Learning Kids unique clock face design

All the worksheets in the five series feature the following unique Bounce Leaning Kids Learn To Tell The Time clock face design:

Bounce Learning Kids Learn To Tell The Time clock face

Bounce Learning Kids Learn To Tell The Time clock explained

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Additional information


TIme 1 – time on the clock indicated, Time 2 – choose which clock tells the indicated time, Time 3 – draw the hands on the clock to show the indicated time, Time 4 – write down the time shown on the clock, Time 5 – what will the time be given the current time indicated

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