Number search worksheets


Number search worksheets

Number search worksheets

These number search worksheets are a fantastic way to make mental math fun.

How does it work?

Just like a regular wordsearch puzzle but with numbers instead of letters. As an added twist, some of the numbers you need to look for must first be determined by solving a basic equation. This is a great way to exercise critical thinking and in solving multiple parts to a problem in the correct order.

What's included?

There are different sizes of grids and equations for different ability levels.

  • Grid A - 8x8 numbers
    Search for the numbers as depicted. The first two are already highlighted to help show how it works.
  • Grid B - 8x8 numbers
    Search for the numbers as depicted. No hints this time.
  • Grid C - 8x8 grid
    Solve the ADDITION equations to determine which numbers to find and then find them in the grid. One solution has been highlighted to help show how it works.
  • Grid D - 8x8 grid
    Solve the SUBTRACTION equations to determine which numbers to find and then find them in the grid. No hints this time.
  • Grid E - 8x8 grid
    Solve the MULTIPLICATION equations to determine which numbers to find and then find them in the grid. One solution has been highlighted to help show how it works.
  • Grid F - 8x8
    Solve the DIVISION equations to determine which numbers to find and then find them in the grid. One solution has been highlighted to help show how it works.
  • Grid G - 10x10 grid (larger grids are harder to solve)
    Solve the ADDITION equations to determine which numbers to find and then find them in the grid. This time, there are three numbers to sum instead of two on the easier grid. One solution has been highlighted to help show how it works.
  • Grid H - 10x10 grid
    Solve the SUBTRACTION equations to determine which numbers to find and then find them in the grid. No hints this time.
  • Grid I - 10x10 grid
    Solve the MULTIPLICATION equations to determine which numbers to find and then find them in the grid. No hints this time.
  • Grid J - 15-15 grid
    This time, instead of solving specific equations, have fun exploring the features on your scientific calculator by finding various mathematical constants and other fun functions, like Pi, Log, Root, Factorial, Sin, Cos, Tan, etc. Figure out which numbers each function represents and then find it in the grid - especially fun for those keen with numbers.

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