Thermometer gauge worksheets


Thermometer gauge worksheets

Thermometer gauge worksheets

Study the temperature gauge and answer the corresponding questions. This series of thermometer worksheets is a great way to learn the concept of information being ready from a gauge or dial.


There are two variations of the product:

The first presents thermometer style gauges and the second dial gauges. In each case, you are presented with a gauge where a particular temperature is indicated.

#1 Thermometer gauges (easier) #2 Dial gauges (harder)
Each worksheet depicts a thermometer gauge with a particular temperature indicated. Write down the temperature based on what the thermometer is currently reading Each worksheet depicts a dial gauge with a particular temperature indicated. Answer the question about what the temperature would be if it were so many degrees hotter or cooler. You must read the current temperature and then either add or subtract from that based on the question being asked.

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Additional information

Gauge type

Thermometer, Dial

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