
Learn all about coordinates and grid references in this fun series of coordinate grids printable worksheets.

Study the picture with X & Y axis coordinates and answer the questions below. Identify where in the grid each item is located using the grid key provided on each worksheet.


Grades indication 1-4


This is a fun distance learning deck to help introduce the concept of coordinate and grid references.

This is an easier version with level 2 being slightly more challenging. The student is presented with a 4×4 grid with coordinates indicated along the top and side (A, B, C & D across the top; 1, 2, 3 & 4 down the side – just like in a spreadsheet). In the grid are various objects, which are also labelled in a reference key on the right. Each card poses a question, which could be either in the form:

  1. What is located at grid reference X? The student clicks on the appropriate object in the list below which corresponds the correct item located in that grid reference.
  2. Where is X on the grid? The student clicks on one of the 16 grid references in the list below. This way, the student must find the correct grid reference first.

There are 3 different grids each with 8 questions (4 each of the above types). The deck is randomised, so that no two students will experience the questions in the same order.



This is a fun distance learning deck to help introduce the concept of coordinate and grid references.

This is a slightly more challenging version, with #1 being slightly easier. The student is presented with a 4×4 grid with coordinates indicated along the top and side (A, B, C & D across the top; 1, 2, 3 & 4 down the side – just like in a spreadsheet). In the grid are various objects, which are also labelled in a reference key on the right.

There are 4 different grids with a total of 50 questions spread out across them. The deck is randomised, so that no two students will experience the questions in the same order.

Some questions provide a grid reference and ask what’s in that cell. A key with all the different grid contents is presented as a visual key. Just click on the correct image to make your choice.

Other questions ask to locate the correct grid reference where a particular thing is to be found. Once you idenfity the correcy grid reference, you then select it from the key list.



This is a fun distance learning GOOGLE Slides deck to help introduce the concept of coordinate grid references.

Each slide presents one of 10 different grids with a corresponding visual key. There are 8 questions on each slide.

Some questions are looking for a particular grid reference associated with a particular image, which others are looking for you ro identify what’s in a particular grid reference.

In the latter slides, questions are more challenging, requiring you to observe the contents of multiple places in the grid and and to process that information in some way, such as spelling out a word or counting numbers.


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