Crossword Alphabet

Crossword puzzles where each solution features one particular letter of the alphabet.

How it works

Each crossword puzzle features one letter of the alphabet, with each solution containing that specific letter. There are two puzzles for each of the 26 letters. Silimar to a regular crossword puzzle, there are clues to be solved. However, unlike traditional crosswords, there are no indications of where the solution to each clue is placed. There are no identifuiers specifying whether it should be placed across or down in the grid, making it necessary to figure out the correct placement.

The first puzzle in each pair is relatively easier, as the length of the solutions is provided as a hint. The second puzle, on the other hand, doesn’t offer this hint and is also larger in grid size.

After every 10 pages of Crossword Alphabet puzzles, there are a couple of different puzzles and games to make completing the book more interesting.

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