Crosswords Puzzles
Classic crosswords puzzles for hours of stimulting, word-puzzling fun.
How it works
- Look at the crossword grid.
- Each square represents a letter of a word.
- Read a clue for a word across or down. Clues can be horizontal or vertical.
- Think of a word that fits the clue and has the right number of letters.
- Write the word in the grid, one letter per square.
- Move to the next clue and repeat steps 2 to 4.
- Pay attention to where words intersect. Make sure the letters match up correctly.
- If you get stuck, ask for help from a friend or family member.
- Keep going until all the words are filled in.
Each book comes full of dozens of Crossword puzzle grids as well as a host of other fun puzzles and games for hours of fun.