Count Canadian coins worksheets


Count Canadian coins worksheets

Count Canadian coins worksheets

Using photo-realistic images of Canadian coins, these count Canadian coins worksheets assists kids in getting to grips with basic money concepts and counting money.

There are three different sections, each of which start easy and become progressively more challenging:

Section 1 - count each pile of Canadian coins (9 worksheets):

Depicts various piles of Canadian coins in various amounts and quantities. Add up the total value of all the coins depicted. Some worksheets have piles of individual coins, some have piles or 2 or more different coins, some 3 or more different coins, etc.

Section 2 - which Canadian coins add to the target numbers (4 worksheets):

Several different types of coins are depicted in a row along with a target value. Circle the appropriate combination of coins that add up to the target value. With each successive worksheet, the number of coins increases, making it harder and harder to find the correct combination to reach the target value.

Section3 - answer questions about each pile of Canadian coins (6 worksheets):

Several piles of coins are depicted, each of which adds up to a different value. Study each of the 4 piles of coins and answer each of the 6 questions:

  • Which pile has the most money?
  • Which piles has the least money?
  • Which pile has a specific amount of money?
  • Which 2 piles add together to make a specific amount?
  • Which pile has a total value between the two specified values?
  • What do all four files of money add up to?

Other versions

Check out all the other versions of the Counting coins printable worksheets range:

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