Odd Even worksheets


Odd Even worksheets

Odd Even worksheets

Explore the difference between odd and even numbers with this fun series of odd and even worksheets

How does it work?

There are various exercises in identifying whether a particular number is odd or even. The first few worksheets provide examples of what type of number it is and the student is then encouraged to complete the worksheet themselves.

What's included?

There's a range of different worksheets which each take a different approach in depicting various numbers which then need to be identified as odd or even:

  • Worksheet 1: Several rows of objects are depicted. Write down the number of objects and then tick either the odd or even column to indicate which it is. The first few rows are already completed by way of example.
  • Worksheet 2: Several rows of objects are depicted. Write down the number of objects and then tick either the odd or even column to indicate which it is. The first few rows have the odd even tick already completed.
  • Worksheet 3: Several rows of objects are depicted. Write down the number of objects and then tick either the odd or even column to indicate which it is. The first few rows have the count number already completed.
  • Worksheet 4: Several rows of one or two dice are depicted. Write down the total number of dots on the dice and then tick either the odd or even column to indicate which it is.
  • Worksheet 5: Several rows of one or two dice are depicted. Write down the total number of dots on the dice and then tick either the odd or even column to indicate which it is.
  • Worksheet 6: Several rows of three dice are depicted. Write down the total number of dots on the three dice and then tick either the odd or even column to indicate which it is.
  • Worksheet 7: Several rows of four dice are depicted. Write down the total number of dots on the four dice and then tick either the odd or even column to indicate which it is.
  • Worksheet 8: A random scattering of numbers from 1-100 are printed all over the page with the word ODD written in the middle. Circle all the odd numbers.
  • Worksheet 9: Solutions sheet for worksheet 8.
  • Worksheet 10: A random scattering of numbers from 1-100 are printed all over the page with the word EVEN written in the middle. Circle all the even numbers.
  • Worksheet 11: Solutions sheet for worksheet 10.

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