Isometric dots graph paper


Isometric dots graph paper

Isometric dots graph paper clip art

24 clip art images

Isometric dots graph paper clip art is a collection of 24 clip art images of evenly spaced dots in horizontal rows and vertical columns. Each image fill an entire page.

Clip art images included

The first page has 5 dots repeated left to right with each row then repeated from the top to the bottom of the page. The second page has 6 dots across, the third has 7 dots across, etc., all the way to 20 dots across. The next page has 25 dots, then 30 dots, etc., all the way up to 60 dots in increments of 5 from page to page.

The evenly spaced rows and columns create a symmetrical page full of dots.

Where to use

This collection of clip art (images of circles on squares) can be used in math lessons.

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